Late Career and Retirement Management Capability Training
What we do: Late Career and Retirement
Upskill your managers with late career and retirement management capability training
Managers play an important role in supporting people to identify their late career goals and navigate their transition to retirement. This not only supports the individual through their late career, but also provides a framework to allow organisations to retain and transfer the knowledge and experience of their mature workers.
This program, comprised of e-learning modules, an interactive facilitated workshop to take a deeper dive into the content, and online simulations aims to provide leaders with practical hand's on resources they can immediately use to support their team members in late career and in the transition to retirement.
The training package for leaders consists of three parts:
Part 1: E-learning
Participants are encouraged to complete our two eLearning modules before their workshop, which should take no more than 30 minutes. The modules include:
- Introducing ageing workforce: Why it matters and considerations regarding capacity to work
- Capacity to work: Considerations
Part 2: Interactive Workshop
In this workshop, facilitated by one of our registered psychologists we'll unpack the implications of an ageing workforce, and why it's important to support people in late career through to retirement.
We'll then look at such topics as capacity to work, understanding inherent requirements of a job and making reasonable adjustments, including flexible work arrangements.
Finally, we delve into the importance of good communication relating to late career and retirement, emphasising the need to prepare well for these discussions.
The session can be run as a two-hour workshop (psychologist-led, focused on workplace best practice) or three-hours (co-facilitated by a psychologist focusing on best practice and a workplace lawyer from HR Legal focused on legal obligations).
Part 3: Online Simulations
To provide further support in transfer of learning, participants have access to five online simulations of critical conversations relating to:
- Fitness for work
- Flexible work
- Late career
- Retirement Planning
- Supporting Mental health
These simulations are designed for leaders to practice some of the conversation skills covered in the workshop.