TW in the Press

TW Experts

Industry-leading experts on the future of work

Transitioning Well’s experienced team of psychologists is available to provide comment, editorial, and keynote presentations on topics relating to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Our recent interviews and articles  

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Our co-founders Dr Sarah Cotton and Justine Alter discuss the unretirement trend on Weekend Sunrise. 

Dr Sarah Cotton and Justine Alter, Transitioning Well 


What to do when your boss is the problem 

There are many factors that can lead to an unhealthy work environment, but one of the most challenging situations arises when the leader themselves is the cause. While effective leadership can inspire, motivate and drive success, a toxic leader can have the opposite effect, negatively affecting employees’ mental health and wellbeing.

Op ed: 
Dr. Sarah Cotton, co-founder, Transitioning Well 


Almost half of Australian workers feel burnt out

A national workplace health survey has found almost half of Australian workers are fatigued and burnt out and many are contemplating quitting their jobs. 

Dr Sarah Cotton, co-founder and organisational psychologist Transitioning Well 


Managers warned to ‘close the empathy gap’ in the workplace

Despite some strides being made in understanding neurodivergence, Transitioning Well clinical and health psychologist Leah Collins said there was still some “misinformation” in the workplace. 

Quotes from: 
Leah Collins, organisational psychologist Transitioning Well 


Why businesses need to do more to help dads take parental leave

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency recently released its annual update on the state of workplace gender equality. It revealed the average total remuneration gender pay gap dropped to 21.7 per cent in 2023. While small, it’s still progress – the biggest shift since 2014.

What we can’t ignore from this report, and what we know from our parental leave coaching, is that the number of men taking paid primary carer parental leave has barely shifted.

Op Ed: 
Justine Alter, co-founder and organisational psychologist Transitioning Well 


Podcast: The Blurring Of Boundaries

The Jean Hailes podcast – Women’s Health Week series hosted by Janet Michelmore AO. Dr Sarah Cotton, co-founder of Transitioning Well, talks about the blurred line between home and work.

Dr Sarah Cotton, co-founder and organisational psychologist Transitioning Well 


The Cost Of Living Crisis Is Supercharging Burnout, W/ 2.7 Million Aussies Considering Quitting

It should hardly come as a surprise that the cost of living crisis in Australia is taking a toll on the mental well-being of pretty much everybody. As the period of turmoil and financial stress continues, as many as 2.7 million Australians could quit their jobs as a result.

Quotes from: 
Dr Sarah Cotton, co-founder and organisational psychologist Transitioning Well