When we help

Never has there been a time where it has been more important for leaders to be well so that they can lead well.

The pressure on leaders today is significant and at times, unrelenting.

In these uncertain times, leaders need to be inspiring and comforting while also pushing on performance.

Combined with responsibilities outside of work, it’s not surprising that leaders are feeling the strain.

While there is growing awareness that wellbeing is a key lever to managing personal and professional challenges while sustaining performance, it is easier said than done!

The need now, is to find a practical way forward beyond the rhetoric.

Leadership Transition Coaching

Utilising the Transition Guide™ and/or Global Leadership Wellbeing Solutions (GLWS® ) and working with people leaders to ensure alignment on goals and outcomes, we provide new leaders with the framework, tools and strategies they need to grow and succeed in their new role, while navigating the demands that come with life and work. Tailored partnership coaching for professional services is also available.

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Leading well workshops

We can help your leaders to navigate critical transition points through a rigorous and tailored approach to your specific situation.

Leadership life cycle

As leaders move through different stages of the leadership pipeline (new leader, leader of leaders, divisional leader), each passage requires a transition in values, behaviours and skills. What made individuals successful previously, will not solely guarantee success at subsequent levels and that may be particularly challenging. Coaching your leaders through these transition points, can accelerate the process of de-skilling to re-skill and facilitate successful transitions.

Leadership development

We can provide ongoing career development support to help leaders manage their own and others’ life-work wellbeing. Whether delivered individually or as a component of a broader leadership program, GLWS provides insightful data to build leaders’ wellbeing capability, acknowledge their impact on others’ wellbeing via their actions, role modelling and culture, and identify common leadership themes to target interventions that build sustainable performance.

Women in leadership

Through our ‘Women in Leadership’ series or individual coaching, we can support your people to explore and manage the pressures and challenges accompanying life as a woman in leadership. The GLWS promotes self-awareness and detailed exploration of the practical and emotional challenges for female leaders, as well as strategies to manage these challenges to enable more fulfilling personal and professional lives.

Key organisational change

Tracking the wellbeing and effectiveness of your team through significant change provides the opportunity to take a proactive approach to managing mental wellness. The information obtained by the GLWS helps leaders to manage change within and across teams by uncovering and addressing common themes affecting team performance and wellbeing; exploring team dynamics, morale, burnout and creating coping strategies.

Specialised support

We provide support on an ‘as needs’ basis for your leaders who may be at crossroads and experiencing confusion, lack of focus or in specialised circumstances such as separation, return from illness. Our evidence- based approach enables us to delve deep and identify root cause issues to develop a practical and effective way forward.

Career Transition Series

The Career Transition Series provides workplaces with research-led and practical approaches. It shares the stories of organisations supporting their people through eight key transitions, highlights what has worked and relays lessons for others.

The transition from peer to boss is not an easy one. New leaders or managers can experience a range of individual challenges at this time, from imposter syndrome to identity changes and decision fatigue to difficulty managing their work relationships. These challenges can have costly implications for organisations if leaders and managers are not supported to do their best work. Supporting new leaders through this time can promote and protect their mental health and wellbeing during this transition, setting them up to thrive. 

Developed in partnership with National Mental Health Commission, the series was produced through the National Workplace Initiative after research and consultation highlighted the need for guidance on supporting career transitions.

Team Dynamics Training (PsyCap)

Empower your senior leaders to best support new leaders as they transition from peer to boss with team dynamics training. 

Together, you can unpack the challenges that present in this new time of transition, and build positive thinking patterns that can challenge and replace deep-seated assumptions and beliefs, and ultimately build team cohesion to ensure sustainable practices across this important life-work transition.

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Find out more about our Learning to Lead Modules.